Tuesday, April 13

Fast Forward

Has it actually been almost four months since I last wrote?  Where have I been?  Where has this time gone?  Surely I have been sucked into some sort of time disruption.  I simply cannot believe that this much time has past.  Life is changing at such an amazing rate.  So many things are changing, and I feel that I can't keep up.  I want to.  I try to.  But I feel like I keep falling behind.  Wake up, live life,  go to sleep.  The living of life is good.  And yes, I love the sleep that I get.  But everything is moving so fast.  The girls are growing so fast.  Can't I slow them down.  At least just a little.

The other day we where getting ready to go on a family picnic.  It was Bennett's birthday, and we wanted to do something together, as a family.  As we where getting everything ready, I asked Alyssa to get a diaper for me.  Bennett was standing right there and he grabbed one and tossed it at me.  She looked at me with such a gown up expression.  Calmly she stated that she was going to get that, and didn't I realize that?  The first thing that I thought was....where is my little girl?  Now mind you this was followed by a little talk about attitudes.  But in that moment, I saw she was diffrent, and she is changing.  So fast.  So very fast.  In but a breath she will be grown.  I don't want to miss it.  I don't want to look back at her childhood and have regrets.  What things can I change to make sure that doesn't happen?

PS.  Where has spell check gone?

1 comment:

Karina said...

I share in yr concerns! It is going by way fast!