Wednesday, February 2

Monkeying Around

January did not go well.  I started with such high hopes and bold plans.  (And we all know how much I love to plan.)  But one thing I didn't factor into my planning.


Most of my readers are now trying to figure out the questions that are flying into their heads at this moment. What in the world is Bobos?  Who is Bobos?  Is there any chocolate in the house?

I don't have the answer for chocolate in your house.  I can tell you that there is no chocolate in my house.  We have been trapped at home for the past week and a half, first by sickness, and then by the "Winter Storm 2011."  At least that is what they are calling it around here.  Texas is completely unprepared for 3 inches of snow and ice that doesn't melt the next day.  So no there IS NO CHOCOLATE LEFT IN MY HOUSE!

But back to the Bobos.  I can tell you what the Bobos are.  Or more precisely who the Bobo Brothers are.  (Some moms are hearing the theme song right now to Go Diego Go, and having the strange urge to throw there hands in the air and declare, Freeze Bobos Freeze!)   The bobos are, "A mischievous pair of capuchin monkeys whose cute and innocent faces belie their naughty intent. The Bobos love to get into trouble and cause confusion and mayhem throughout the forest. (" 

Makayla's favorite show is Go Diego Go.  (In fact even as I wrote that last sentence she came up and crawled in my lap, put her cold little snotty nose to mine, and said, "I watch Diego?")  While watching the show with her the other day, I found myself chuckling.  The Bobos were placing Diego's rescue mission in jeopardy when they where throwing rocks around and making such a large stack of them that they covered the entrance to the cave where the animal that was in trouble was located. 

The more I watched, the more I laughed.  I have Bobos at my house.  I clean one thing up, turn around, and it is back on the floor again.  I organize one area and come back to find it obliterated.  In one Christmas special the monkeys are worried about not receiving any Christmas presents because they had been so bad.  Santa tells them that he knows they don't mean to be bad, but that they just are curious about their environment.  Well, that is my kids.  Everything has to be experienced.  Now if only I could figure out how to making them freeze as effectively as Diego, I would finish my living room.  :)

And so I will start again, with planning that is.  And this time I will factor in Bobos into my equation.  Bobos and more chocolate. 


Erynne Nicole said...

LOL YAY Bobos! man I am SO ready to not be stuck in the house anymore! I want freedom!!

Jennifer said...

lol, jhet loves diego too

Karina said...
