Monday, May 11

Hummmena, hummmmmena, hummmmena.

Okay, so things have been crazy lately. I figure that in and of itself is normal, seeing as I have a 3 1/2 year old, and a *gasp* 11 month old. (I can't believe that she is about to be a year old) And that I am five months pregnant as of yesterday. But I find myself wondering lately, if things will ever be easier. I mean, while I always be knee deep in laundry and dishes. Will I always look back fondly at the days that I had time to both take a shower, and brush my teeth? I don't really have anything to base this off of. I mean, I know some mothers who have clean houses. They have nice cloths that they get to wear. The have brushed and dare I say styled hair. Their children likewise are also well groomed, and well behaved. So what am I doing wrong, or are some people just destined to be "this."

I spoke to a good friend of mine on Mother's Day. She patiently listen to all my belly aching and then said, "Don't be so hard on yourself."

And I did listen. I know that somethings are the way they are, and there is nothing that I can do about it.

But what about things that I can change. What things can I do to make my life simpler? How can I manage to get a shower, and still have time to eat? How can change the life that I have, and still hang on to the good things that I cherish about us and who we are. I like the fact that the kids can stay up later, and this means they sleep longer in the mornings meaning that I can choose to sleep longer, or get up, or read, or whatever I want. I like the fact that when I get Alyssa to bring me her hamper with all of her dirty cloths, she looks at me and smiles so innocently and says, "I love you when you wash my cloths." It's things like this that make my day.

So what is all this to say? I don't know, I am just rambling. :)

1 comment:

Karina said...

Ive been told as they get older it gets easier, but I have a 16 yr old and you just trade it for other Hang in there and yes enjoy it as much as you can.... They arent little forever!