Wednesday, October 29

Paper, and Boxes, and Junk, OH MY!

So we got moved in this weekend. And I don't know if I will ever be done going through, unpacking, and getting rid of our stuff. After living in two small rooms for the past 6 months plus, I have really realized that we don't need halve of the things that we have. We can do with a lot less. So I have been trying to go though and get rid of the things that we don't need. I am really trying to de-junk and organize our lives. And so far? Well its a lot of work. And I haven't made much headway. I have managed to unpack most of the boxes from the kitchen, but there are at least two maybe three boxes that I can't seem to find. I started working on the girls room, but then I had both girls in my lap wanting attention. Crazy!!!

Anyways, I have really enjoyed having our own house again. And my own kitchen. Now only if I can get everything unpacked.

Five years!!! Today is my fifth anniversary. Bennett and I have been married for five years. And it seems like it was just yesterday. I look back at what we have been through the last five years. There has been joy, sorrow, separation, the anticipation of reunion, births of our two girls, laughter and tears. I try to think of what my favorite moment has been? What stands out the most? Too many things fly into my head to mention. I am so blessed!

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