Sunday, August 24

Dawn of a New Era...

I had a thought in the middle of the night. You know, that space of tme between trying to get the girls down for the second time...and sleep. (which seems to be longer and longer lately...) There has to be others like me....this is a big world. Suddenly the theme from America Tale, where they sing "somewhere out there" starts playing in my head. I am not that original. I am just a wife, and a mother, trying to get through another day. And although the days are very different right now, and a lot harder in so many ways, they they are still just another day. (my husband recently separated from the military, and we are staying with my parents until we find a house)

So Booba Juice was born. I wanted some where I could share life's silliness, and frustrations. The name Booba Juice, comes from my three year old. Right after her sister was born...(she is almost three months)...and my daughter, who still nurses sometimes, came up in my lap for some cuddle time. Not wanting to make her feel unloved in the aftermath of getting a new sibling, I say yes when she asks for some booba's...that's what she has called them as long as she could talk. We lift my shirt and she latches on...suddenly there is a smile on her face, as she declares "there's juice in there!" For the most part she was only nursing in the evenings when she was tired. Now, routinely she craws up in my lap, and asks for booba juice. Like right now. I am trying to take a coveted "moments peace" as I call it. My hubby has the youngest...and I am working on the computer. Alyssa craws up in my lap. The conversation went something like this.


me: Yes...

A: I want boobas...

me: not right now baby....

A: (whining now) Pleeeease....

me: Alyssa, we don't whine when we want something...

A: But I'm sooooo hungry....

me: we just had lunch, you should have eaten more...if you are still hungry go get a cheese stick out of the refrigerator...

A climbs down and goes to get said cheese. In just a few moments here she comes again...

A: I want to sit in your lap.

At this point I think...I held you most of the night. I played with you this morning...I just want a MOMENTS PEACE....But I love I look at her and smile....

me: of course you can sweety...climb on up here.

All the while I have been typing...and she is climbing over me. She finishes her cheese, and asks for boobas again. I picture her going off to college and asking for boobas.

me: baby, we will have boobas before bed. Not right now. I love you. Do you want some fruit? Something to drink. Mommy will get you some milk.

At this point she has started crying...I think it is time for a nap. I look at the, its 1pm already, I have got to get those cloths in the dryer or we will be late for the birthday party...I am thinking all this as she is rubbing her snotty noes, all over the front of my shirt.

Back from changing out the laundry, she is still clinging to me...and as I finish up this post I think to myself. Everyone must have these moments...surely....

PS...She won, she nursed for two min and fell asleep.

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a sweet story. Maggie weaned at 24 months and 1 week. She's now 25 months and 1 week. :0 I love hearing story involving extended bfing.