Tuesday, August 26

Stupid Doctors

Well dinner is on....Alyssa is watching a movie, and Makayla is swinging in her swing.

Another day is almost down.

So here is my *%$#@^&* for the day. I am so mad that I don't even know what to call it. A good friend of my was having her baby. Her doctor insisted that she be induced today. Without going into specifics for the sake of her privacy, it wasn't needed. But he is a jerk, and shouldn't be a doctor. Why do most OB/GYNs lack basic understanding and knowledge? It is a wonder that the human race made it at all, considering how long we had to go without their help to have a child. Hearing her story today made me so thankful that I was able to go to a midwife for all of my care with my two girls. Don't get me wrong...I am thankful that we have doctors that are there for emergencies. But having a child isn't one of those times. He did an episeautomy (SP?) after they baby was already crowning. She was doing fine...no tearing...but no, he couldn't leave well enough alone. The whole thing makes me so mad that I feel like crying and tearing into him all at once.

But thankfully, she and the baby are doing well. She was able to deliver vaginally, which is what she wanted most of all. And now she is armed with the knowledge she needs to make things different next time. I keep thinking that surely not all OBs are bad, that surely there are some out there that care, and do a good job, but I have yet to find one.

Well we have finished dinner, put the girls to bed, and now I am finally able to sit down and finish this. I can't wait to crawl into bed myself. I have had a headache most of the day. :) I look forward to sleep!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i hear ya! i had an ob/gyn with mycah and it was not great. he did an episiotomy, that i don't believe i needed. i had a midwife with the last two and things went soooo much better!!!!