Sunday, December 28

Dryden's Christmas...part 1

Things have been hectic and crazy, and I haven't been able to post anything. I don't even know what the last thing I posted was. And I also know that there is no way that I will be able to post everything that I want, there are things that will be left out inevitably.

We, for the most part, have had a wonderful Christmas. It started a week and a half before Christmas. My mom, Grandma, Aunt, and sister-in-law come over for "Christmas Tea." We never get together, just us, the ladies of my family. I really enjoyed the break to be able to just sit, drink my tea, and visit my family. From there everything gets a little blurry. There was the finishing to the decorating, and the shopping. There where gifts to finish, and baking to do. And before I knew it it was December 23rd, and I was out at 10pm trying to find something to get Bennett. I had known what I wanted to get him, but being that I had to wait until the last minute...long long story....I couldn't find that item anywhere. SO it took a little longer to be able to finish. On December 24th, I was determined to finish everything, and be of sound mind before the end. But as the morning wore on, I was beginning to find that I was beginning to see that nothing was going to get done. The girls where in a mood, and everything was moving in slow motion. That evening my mother had her traditional Christmas Eve celebration. It was great to be there. It's been five years since I was able to enjoy Christmas Eve with my family, and I enjoyed it immensely. My parents blessed us with a video camera. We were so surprised.

Christmas eve wore on as we finished wrapping the girls gifts. We finally went to bed around midnight, and thanks to girls that aren't old enough yet to know any different, everyone slept in until around 9 am. Bennett and I woke up, Makayla was soon to follow. Alyssa however slept on. Finally about 9:30 I decided that I better wake her up. I mean, I had lots left to do after we did Christmas morning, and we needed to leave for Christmas at my Grandmothers around 2pm. I walked into the girls room, gently sat on Alyssa's bed. "Alyssa, its time to open presents." I was meet with a very grumpy girl. "I trying to sleep." And she rolled over and pulled the covers over her head. That's my girl.

Okay, so there is more that I would love to share, but I am tired and hungry. So I will continue later....Night!

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