Saturday, January 3

Yo Gabba Gabba

For those of you that haven't watched an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, I highly recommend it. Every mother should be subjected to that kind of torture! My daughter now routinely sings "it's your turn, it's my turn" when ever she wants me to do something.

Well, I haven't gotten to finish posting about our holiday adventures, but hopefully I will soon! I do not, however have time tonight. :0

But I had to post about my ... I am not sure what to even call it. Alyssa has been in a fine mood lately. She has always been a strong willed child. And conventional methods of dealing with her behavior have never worked. And believe me we have tired everything. She has always kept me on toes. But lately she has seemed worse. Everything I say is meet with disapproval, and distain. It seems like all I do all day long is correct inappropriate behavior. I am exhausted. And tonight I had definitely meet my match.

It had been an exhausting day. It started out that I was tired. Makayla kept me up most of the night. She isn't feeling well, as she is teething. But after going back to bed this morning for a nap, while Bennett watched the girls, I felt better. We went to the park and feed the ducks...and then went to a place in the mall called Jump'in Land. It's an indoor play place, complete with token games, tubes to climb through, and a host of big inflatable jumping things. It was a great time. Bennett spent time playing and chasing Alyssa all around the place. But when it was time to go, you would have thought that we where telling Alyssa that she never good again play.

I managed to avert that crises, but just barely. So tonight, when Alyssa was throwing a fit, because I had washed her hair, I had finally had it. I set her in her room, put her in her bed, and told her that when she decided to act like a big girl, then and only then may she come out. I walked out and (gasp) closed the door. I took one look at Bennett, and told him I needed a minute...and to let me know if she came out of her room. And with that I walked outside.

It worked. When in just moments she came out of her room. And she hasn't thrown a fit since. Could I have found the magic solution? Probably not, but for now I am going to enjoy this moment. :)

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