Friday, September 12

To Cover Up, or Not to Cover Up....That is the question....

So I am sitting here, going through and reading some blogs that I try and keep up with. Learning the ends and outs of blogging...(I am still new at this)...and I read about this story about a woman who was asked to cover up while nursing on an airplane. Now I am is so frustrating that this still happens. I hear about it all the time. I feel it all the time. Every time I am out in public, and its time to nurse Makayla, I stop and think. I look around. Do I see anyone that I think will cause a seen? To cover up, or not to cover up, that is the question. I usually try not to make other people uncomfortable...which in its own way is my choice...but if I decide for whatever reason not to cover up...that's my right!!! I mean, I don't get mad when some chick is walking around wearing a shirt so low cut, and so revealing that she shows everything but the nipple...(and some even show that.) I don't run over to her and through a blanket over her and say, "I'm sorry, but so that we don't offend anyone else, please wear this blanket."

I look down at my little girl. She is nursing right now. She is beautiful. She sees that I am looking at her and she smiles. Milk runs out the corners of her mouth. There is nothing more beautiful...people ought to have their heads examined.

Now I really will go have that ice cream...and I will put extra chocolate on it too!


Mz X said...

There is a huge difference between a low cut top and hauling your tit out, nipple and all. And she wasn't TOLD to cover up. She was offered the blanket so she could cover up if she chose to.

Karina said...

Girl, you know I agree with you! Its more distracting to cover up!

Jennifer said...

yea, i never cover up while nursing. no one has ever seen my breast. i am very discreet. and if they have a problem then they can put the blanket on their head.

Her Bad Mother said...

nothing more beautiful, exactly.

Stef said...

I don't know what the laws are like in Texas, but in North Carolina, where I now live, and in Ohio, where I lived when nursing my oldest, a woman's right to nurse in public - including incidental nipple exposure - is protected. That being said, it can still be awkward. When I breastfed in public, I noticed that I got more dirty looks from women than from men. Men seemed to think it was totally natural. It was the women who took offense. Crazy!