Monday, September 29

For My Birthday!

Yesterday was my 25th birthday! To some I am incredibly young, to some, I am much older than they are. To me, its just another year.

I have had a wonderful birthday. It really started the day before when I went out to eat with my friend Kendra. We ate at this restaurant called Gengis Grill. Very very yummy! Its Mongolian BBQ. You have your own bowl, and you go up and decide which meat, seasonings, veggies, and sauce you want, and then they cook it. Very good eating. So good in fact that the next day when Bennett took me out to eat, that is where I wanted to go.

The 28th dawned bright and early, and while I wasn't exactly ready to get up, I did. And we played with the girls for a while. Then they gave me my birthday gift. Bennett got me this beautiful heart necklace that has a cross in the center. And Alyssa got me chocolate. And all of them, Bennett, Alyssa, and Makayla, got me a birthday card. It was wonderful. Then we went and had lunch, and then went to the mall. Over all it was a wonderful day.

Then last night we watched the season premiere of The of our favorite shows.

Anyways, I am very thankful for my family. They mean so much to me, and my birthday wouldn't be anything without them.


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