Wednesday, November 26

Almost There!

Thanksgiving Count Down!

T-26 hours till dinner is served.

My mother is on her way over. She and I had wanted to do some baking together. She was going to try to be here around lunch time...its now three and she just called me from Walmart. I love her!

I made rolls, (I have a tradition of making homemade rolls at Thanksgiving,) while having Makayla strapped to my front. Motrin eat your heart out! (and yes, my back is hurting, but it isn't hurting just so I will fit in....only Alyssa saw me.) They, that is the rolls, not the children, are in the oven rising. After which I will bake them, and then try to successfully resist the urge to eat them all before tomorrow evening. Lord give me strength!

The house is sort of, kind of, ready. Our room looks like some sort of bomb went off. But, every other room is unpack, and tidy. Save for the girls toys in the living area, but hey, those aren't really ever going to be picked up and stay that way. Oh, and I still have to de-doggie the back bathroom. We had been keeping the puppies in there at night until we found them homes. We have found all but one of them homes.

If you read this in the next couple of hours, come back later, I will be posting more of this crazy count down.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the comment. I also am a mother of 6, grandmother of 3plus one on the way. I forget others will see my posts outside family, and I appreciate your comment. I am all to my family that you are and I enjoy your posts as well.