Friday, November 7

Does this day end...

Well, its .... (looks at clock at bottom of the screen)...later than I though. Almost midnight. And I am about to go to least I hope so. Alyssa took a really late nap...she didn't wake back up until 7:30ish. So, needless to say she was up late. But I have finally got the sleeping beauties off to slumber world, and hopefully I will join them there myself soon. But I had to just jot a few lines down. My mind seems way to crazy to sleep. I have so many thought swirling through my head, that I know even if I where to go and lay down, I would not be able to find sleep, and its peaceful rest.

I have had a pretty good day. Mom came over again today, and it was good to just spend a few hours with her. Yesterday she was here and we watched a movie. Becoming Jane It was good, I really enjoyed it, but of course I really like Jane Austen as a writer, so ... I did find this site where I can read her books online...which I find cool. Then last night I watched a movie with Bennett. This movie I didn't like. I shouldn't have bought it...but it was one of those impulse buys at the front of Wal-Mart. For the most part, I never get them. I resist the temptation, no matter what. I do not need Frebreeze in a small key chain form. There isn't enough frebreeze in there to cover up the smells that accompany motherhood, and having pets. Nor do I need the latest seasons best of things.

But on my last trip to that great Wally World...there was a bin of movies. 2 for $10....and that is another way that they get you...I just had to take a look. (Since we moved we have no TV channels what so ever...we still have antenna TV...and yes, I know...February 17....they tell us so every day...many time a day....but now I am getting off topic)

So, anyways, there was a movie called Just Follow the River...or something to that effect. Its about this early colonial woman, that is kidnapped by Indians. It looked good. I bought it...I should have known. It started out okay. I have always enjoyed historical movies. When the movie begins, the woman is taking care of her six year old son, and is very very pregnant...due any day, and she is saying good-bye to her husband as he goes out to work. The next thing you know, Indians strike, and she and her son, are carried away as slaves. A lot goes on...and possibly to really understand, you would have to know, and see the whole thing....but I got so mad, that I couldn't ever watch it again. At one point she actually leaves her baby, who is being wet nurse, because she is out of milk, and runs away. I must point out that their lives where not in danger. Her son had already been taken to another camp, and then she just leaves her baby behind because she "just had to get home to her husband." Maybe I am the weird one, but I do not believe it would be in my power to leave my baby behind. It would have killed me. I looked over at my husband and said, " I love you, but there is no way I would leave our children..." Thankfully he agreed with me.

End the end, she gets her kids back, and I guess all turned out well. I however did not like it, and I wishing that I hadn't spent the $5 on it.

Well, I really must try to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be another day of unpacking, working, and getting rid of the puppies, (I hope.) But that in of its self is a whole other story.

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