Saturday, November 22


What a morning! Its a great morning. It will be a productive day. If I say it enough, it will happen right?

Thanksgiving is less than a week away. I love Thanksgiving. It is my favorite Holiday of the year. I really enjoy family and friends, gathering around delicious dishes, all prepared in that same way our grandmothers have been preparing them for years. I love the usually crispness of the air outside. My favorite is when its cool enough that you need to wear long sleeves, and perhaps a light jacket, but not cold enough to where you can't stay outside a while. I love enjoying cooking, that begins days before, carefully planning out my menu. I love dressing. It is my favorite of all the foods that I usually make.

This year I will be hosting Thanksgiving at my house. Which really isn't any different from the last few years, except that this year my family will be coming. And they are coming out in force. I believe my count is now at 19...possibly 20. Which is exciting...and a little nerve racking all at the same time. I want everyone to enjoy the holiday.

I have so many things left to do today. (I did just move) I want to get everything done on the house today that I still want to do, that way this next week I can just focus on cooking and all that kind of fun stuff this next week.

But for this moment, I am going to enjoy the moment. Sitting in my chair, Bennett fixed me a cup of coffee, writing on the computer. Bennett and the girls are watching Saturday morning cartoons. Bennett got back from his business trip yesterday. It is so good to have him back home. So I will enjoy this mome....well there it went, Kayla is fussing. She is done watching cartoons.

Moments come and go so fast.

1 comment:

Karina said...

I hope it all goes well for you guys!